Friday, January 31, 2020

Ethanol Discussion Essay Example for Free

Ethanol Discussion Essay The use of alternative fuels to replace petroleum has grown considerably through the years, as nations like Brazil are trying to be self-sufficient in their energy needs. Ethanol made from crops is said to be cleaner than burning fossil fuels, and would contribute less to the problem of global warming. However, several issues remain with the ethanol debate. There is one thing I am quite certain though. The U. S. cannot replace gasoline completely in its cars since it uses so many of them. The eco-friendly effects of using ethanol as a fuel are well documented, for example, although it emits the same amount of carbon dioxide upon combustion like fossil fuels this CO2 comes from the air itself, therefore the combustion has zero net effect. Still, harvesting huge amount of crops for producing ethanol is energy inefficient and a waste of arable land. The effect on world food supply if ethanol was integrated to the economy in the U. S. as it is in Brazil would be very awful. Food prices would skyrocket, and there might be shortages of food everywhere. It is not feasible to have the world’s energy supply and food supply come from the same source. Fossil fuels need to be replaced soon, but ethanol is not the technology to go with it. There are several sources of energy that need to be looked at and are much more promising than ethanol. Electric cars are making resurgence; however, they use electricity which most of the time is still produced by a fossil fuel burning power plant. Fuel cell cars have been demonstrated and might well be ready in the next 20 years. The internal combustion engine has served humanity for several decades, I think it’s high time we replace it with a more 21st century design, not just replace the fuel it burns. Our environment and the world we live in is on the line. The response towards the ethanol debate is quite convincing, however I disagree with it on some points. First, ethanol doesn’t intend to replace gasoline fully, but just complement it. The surpluses in world food production are intended to cover up ethanol production for this purpose. Second, although we both agree that fossil fuels need to be replaced, I tend to differ in that I think ethanol is at least the immediate future. Electric cars are far from perfect, and it is correct, as you said, it uses electricity from fossil fuel plants. Fuel cell or hydrogen powered vehicles may or may not be feasible, since right now they still are very expensive to produce. The time to act is now, not later, and ethanol is the most viable solution to the problems of the environment at the moment.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

American History Terms :: American History

American History Terms 1. Government role in RR building- Congress was impressed by arguments supporting military and postal needs and began to advance liberal money loans to two favored cross- continent companies in 1862 and added enormous donations of land and tracks. Within the routes the RR’s were allowed to choose alternate mile- square sections in checkerboard fashion 2. Significance of Transcontinental RR- A magnificent engineering feat- most impressive peacetime undertakings. Welded West Coast firmly to the Union. Facilitated flourishing trade with Asia. Stimulated growth with the West. Architectural feat- increased nationalism. Huge fortunes, jobs. 3. Stock watering - favorite device of the moguls of manipulation. Originally meant the practice of making cattle thirsty by feeding them salt and then having them bloat themselves with water before they weighed in for sale. Using a variation of this, RR stock promoters grossly inflated their claims about a given line’s assets and profitability and sold stocks and bonds far in excess of the RR’s actual value. 4. Secret Rebates – kickbacks given to powerful shippers in return for steady and assured traffic- not given to everyone. Often slashed prices on competing lines, but more often mad up the difference on noncompeting ones 5. Wabash Case - 1886 Supreme Court ruled that said individual states had NO power to regulate interstate commerce. This would be done by the federal gov’t 6. Interstate Commerce Act - Prohibited rebates and pools and required the railroads to publish their rates openly. Forbade discrimination against shippers and outlawed charging more for a short haul than for a long one over the same line. Created Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to enforce and administer the new legislation. It did not really beat corporate wealth, but it did provide a forum where businesses could resolve their conflicts peaceably. 7. Vertical and Horizontal integration - vertical integration was combining into one organization all phases of manufacturing from obtaining raw materials to marketing. It made supplies more reliable, controlled the quality of product at all states of production, and cut out middlemen’s fees and was perfected by Carnegie. Horizontal integration was consolidating with competitors to monopolize a given market, used a lot by Rockefeller. 8. Trust’s benefits – Gave consumers a superior product at a relatively cheap price. The efficient use of expensive machinery called large-scale production and consolidation proved more profitable than ruinous price wars. 9. Sherman Anti-Trust Act – 1890 – forbade combinations in restraint of trade, without any distinction between â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad† trusts.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Independent Study Unit

HRE 4M1: INDEPENDENT STUDY UNIT This -A clear explanation of the issue -various ethical positions in society. (minimum -> 2 opposing positions) -consequences of each position (results of adopting this position) -underlying beliefs of each position (why this position is right) -explain why some positions may be stronger than others -quotes(or paraphrase) from the Catechism of the Catholic Church -includes a mix of at least 4 examples (case studies or questions to stimulate discussion. -any multimedia that enhances the presentation) Students must inform the teacher of needs at least one week before the presentation. Essay:The essay requires the author to adopt a position on the issue (researched for the presentation) and defend it with a logical and well researched argument. The argument should involve principle and practicality. The essay will be 4-5 pages long excluding title page, bibliography etc. A bibliography and referencing must be included or the essay may receive a grade of Z ERO. Topics: 1. Is capital punishment moral or immoral? 2. Is euthanasia moral or immoral? 3. Can child labour ever be ethical? 4. Is there such a thing as a just war? (Just War Theory) 5. What is the general population’s moral responsibility to the poor/homeless? . Can doctor assisted suicide ever be moral? 7. Is genetic engineering in human beings ever moral? 8. Are there any circumstances where abortions are justifiable? 9. Is animal testing moral justifiable? (medical/industrial) 10. Is genetic engineering of plants and animals justifiable? 11. Is stem cell research morally justifiable? 12. Is poverty in developing nations the moral responsibility of developed nations? 13. Is pornography (making/viewing) moral? 14. Is censorship ever morally correct? 15. Is prostitution ever moral? ( legalization of) 16. Is homosexuality a moral issue? (Why do some make it one? 17. Should there be limits on reproductive technology? (IVF) 18. Who is morally culpable for the use of performa nce enhancing drugs in sports? Is this practice justifiable? 19. What is our moral responsibility to the environment? 20. Is surrogacy morally permissible? 21. Is in vitro fertilization morally permissible? 22. Is food consumption a moral issue? (ie. Vegan/vegetarianism) 23. Other topic (rarely approved) Topic Selection: -must provide 3 sources (for websites print a page that demonstrates relevance) (5 Marks) -complete a sheet listing sources and a preliminary thesis. Essay |Presentation | |Outline *15 |Conference | |First Submission * (10) |Note Submission* (30) | |Conference |Presentation * (50) | |Final Submission * (100) | | * for marks Topics and Seminar Dates HRE 4M1-01Period 3/4 |Topic |Student(s) |Date | |1. Capital Punishment | | | |2. Euthanasia | | | |3.Child Labour | | | |4. Just War | | | |5. Resp. to the Poor | | | |6. Doc Assisted Suicide | | | |7. Gen. Eng. Human | | | |8.Abortion | | | |9. Animal Testing | | | |10. Gen. Eng Plant/Animal | | | |11. Stem Cells | | | |12. Poverty Dev. Nations | | | |13.Pornography | | | |14. Censorship | | | |15. Prostitution | | | |16. Sexual Orientation | | | |17. Reproductive Tech. | | | |18. Perf. Enhance drugs | | | |19.Environment | | | |20 Surrogacy | | | |21. In Vitro fertilization | | | |22. Food Supply | | | |22. Other | | | Topics and Seminar DatesHRE 4M1-04Period 6 |Topic |Student(s) |Date | |1.Capital Punishment | | | |2. Euthanasia | | | |3. Child Labour | | | |4. Just War | | | |5. Resp. to the Poor | | | |6.Doc Assisted Suicide | | | |7. Gen. Eng. Human | | | |8. Abortion | | | |9. Animal Testing | | | |10. Gen. Eng Plant/Animal | | | |11. Stem Cells | | | |12. Poverty Dev.Nations | | | |13. Pornography | | | |14. Censorship | | | |15. Prostitution | | | |16. Sexual Orientation | | | |17. Reproductive Tech. | | |18. Perf. Enhance drugs | | | |19. Environment | | | |20 Surrogacy | | | |21. | | | |22. | | | |23. | | Religion ISU Seminar Name: _____________________ |Note |Level R |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |The note is poorly |The note is poorly |The note is organized |The note is well organized|The note is well organized and | |Comm. |organized and laid out. |organized and laid out. The|and laid out with some |and well laid out. The |well laid out. | | |The important info is |important info is not |competence |important info. is easily |The important info. is easily | |Org. |not available. easily accessible |The important info is |accessible |accessible and well highlighted | | | | |not easily accessible| | | | | | | | | | |/10 | | | | | | |Knowledge |The note contains |The note contains some |The note contains most|The note contains all |The note contains all information | |Content |little info. on most |info. on most aspects of |info. on most aspects |info. on every aspect of |on every aspect of the i ssue | | |aspects of the issue. |the issue including the |of the issue incl. the |the issue including the|including the Catholic view. | | |Some of the info. is |Catholic view. Some of the|Catholic view. The |Catholic view. All the |Every point is accurate and | |/20 |correct |info. Is correct |info. is mostly correct|info. s correct |presented in detail with | | | | | | |underlying beliefs and | | | | | | |consequences of each position | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Presentation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Knowledge |Lacks 3 or more of the |Lacks 2 or more of the |-Opp. Viewpoints Church|-Opp. |-Opp. Viewpoints/ | |Content |following: |following |view are presented with|Viewpoints are presented |Church view are presented in | | |-Opp. viewpoints |-Opp. iewpoints |some detail |in detail |detail with accurate analysis | | |-detail |-de tail |-Questions/ Case | |-Questions/Case studies are | |/10 |-Church view |-Church view |studies have some |-Church view |relevant to the topic and serve to| | |-Questions |-Questions/ Case studies |relevance | |illuminate the aspects of the | | |-Case Studies |are not relevant | |Questions/Case studies are|issue | | | | | |relevant and insightful | | |Communication |Voice is monotone. |Voice is monotone. |Voice is clear and |Voice is clear and |Voice is clear and confident. | | |Reads the pres. with |Pres. |confident. |confident. |Speaks with clarity with | | |clarity with a lack of |lacks focus & clarity & an |Speaks with clarity |Speaks with clarity with |appropriate vocabulary | | |under. |understanding of the issue |with an appropriate an appropriate vocabulary |Use of different media to engage | |/10 |Uses little to no media|Use different media to |vocabulary |Use different media to |the class in the presentation | | |to engage the class in |engage the class in the |Use diffe rent media to |engage the class in the |Little to no checking of notes | | |presentation |presentation |engage the class in the|presentation | | | |Reads notes |Frequently reads notes |presentation |Infrequently checks notes | | | | | |frequently checks notes| | | |Application |Student is unable to |Questions are answered |Questions are answered |Questions are answered |Questions are answered with | |Questions |answer any questions |without clarity and with a|with little clarity and|with clarity, with little |complete clarity, without | | | |great deal of hesitation |little attention to |hesitation, and in some |hesitation, and in great detail | | | | |detail |detail | |/10 | | | | | | DUE DATES: Outline: First Essay: One week after the outline is returned Final Essay: December 19, 2008 Submit Outline/ 1st Essay as well Presentation Date: Essay Outline: Genetic Screening Ian Gogolek: While there are possibilities that genetic screening procedures could provide great insight into def ects and disease in humans, the process (who has control and access to the information) needs to be very tightly controlled. The way genetic screening is currently used and promoted is immoral. Point One:Pre-birth genetic screening, how it is currently used is immoral because it leads to abortion based on gender and prejudice towards those who have special needs. Abortion based on gender: 7999/8000 abortions performed in the Bombay area between 1978-82 were on female fetuses. (Kimbrell, pg. 122) Abortions based on disabilities: Poll in New England 1% based on gender 6% based on Alzheimer’s in old age 11% based on obesity (Rifkin, pg. 147) -can lead to a genetic-based eugenics program (sterilization of those deemed unfit to have children) -violation of the integrity of the human being and a child as a gift (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2344) Point Two:Genetic Screening has the strong possibility of being used by corporations to determine hiring practices and insurance pre miums. Example: Reggie Lewis: Boston Celtics died of a genetic heart dysfunction Eddy Curry: Chicago Bulls had heart problems. Bulls wanted him to undergo genetic testing before signing him to a new contract The Bulls had insisted that Curry take a DNA test to determine whether he's a potentially fatal heart problem. Curry, who missed the final 13 games of the regular season susceptible to and the playoffs after experiencing an irregular heartbeat, balked, saying it violated his privacy. (www. nytimes. com/2005/10/03/sports/basketball/04curry) Employers may demand the right to genetic tests before hiring or promotion 981, the Bureau of labor statistics reported that occupational illness costs private sector employers 850,000 lost workdays. (http://www. scu. edu/ethics/publications/iie/v4n2/genes. html) Corporations looking to improve their profits could demand that genetic tests be applicable to reduce waste. This could create a permanent underclass of the unemployable. predispositi on to genetically-based disease is often associated with race or ethnic background. For example, the sickle cell trait is found in 1 out of 12 blacks, but only in 1 out of 1,000 whites. (http://www. scu. edu/ethics/publications/iie/v4n2/genes. html) Insurance companies could deny access after a genetic screenGenetic screening may be performed on current or prospective employees when it is clear that the genetic trait directly affects job performance (http://www. acoem. org/guidelines) Point Three: Genetic Screening can be useful but most genetic diseases are untreatable or not properly diagnosed. Gen. screening often only demonstrates a predisposition or susceptibility to a certain disorder not a definitive Results can be misinterpreted Problems in diagnosis – both parents must have the gene Tay Sachs disease Cystic Fibrosis Sickle Cell Anemia Useful to inform couples concerning marriage (accepted by the Catholic Church) Conclusion: While there are some possible benefits to g en. screening, many of its current uses are unethical.For genetic screening to be ethical, access to results must be seriously restricted and must not be used to deny people health care, employment or other basic rights available to all people. Tips On Writing an Argumentative Paper Step One: Choose a Topic Choose a topic that is of interest to you. This will make the process of research much less painful. Step Two: Find Research Materials Gather information from as many sources as possible. You will need information(arguments, statistics) from different perspectives. Do not completely decide what your full argument will be before you complete your research. Step Three: Develop a Thesis Determine your stand on the issue. Be sure your stand can be defended by logic and/or statistical analysis.All your arguments for your essay must flow logically from your thesis. The claim in your essay may be a positive or negative claim. Step Four: Make An Outline Before you start writing it is imp ortant to make an outline. The outline should sketch out all your arguments and the structure of your paper. Each argument should logically flow from the argument before it. Expect to encounter problems with logic and flow. You will most probably have to revisit this more than once. Step Five: Take a Break Take a break from the work for a few days. This is important to gain some perspective on your arguments. Step Six: Revisit Your Argument With a Critical Eye Look at your argument from an opposing viewpoint.What objections would they raise to your arguments? Also, seek someone who has a skeptical mind who can evaluate your arguments objectively and without prejudice. Step Seven: Write Your Paper Write your paper following a revised outline. Write in a concise and formal manner. Your introduction should include your thesis and your reasoning behind your argument. Be sure to avoid common problems in language use, spelling, grammar etc.. Ex: tense agreement Step Eight: Proofread Your Paper After you finish writing your paper let it sit until the next day. Proofread it orally. Do not be afraid to rewrite sentences and restructure paragraphs to improve clarity. |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 | |Thinking |This paper is unclear, or reflects |A clear position, but may not |A clear position, responding |A strong well articulated position, | |Soundness of |partial understanding or some |articulate it very clearly; |competently and comprehensively |responding precisely and | |Argument |distortion of the topic; exhibits |responds in a general way to the|to the topic, showing some depth|comprehensively to the topic: | | |faulty logic and/or stereotypical, |topic, showing broad |of thought; some claims may not |demonstrates excellent understanding | |30 |superficial thinking in some of its |understanding of major issues, |be strongly supported but this |and depth of thought supported by | | |supporting arguments, analysis and |but may address some ideas more |only sli ghtly undermines the |compelling and logically sound | | |examples; little or no effort to |effectively than others; support|main argument; some success at |arguments, analysis and examples; | | |anticipate and address problems |of main points is inconsistent, |anticipation of counter |Anticipates and addresses problems and| | | |sometimes adequate; minimal |arguments |counter-arguments effectively | | | |anticipation of counter | | | | | |arguments | | | |Comm. |This paper reads poorly, exhibiting a|This paper reads well showing |This paper reads well for the |This paper reads very well, exhibiting| |Focus, Organization |lack of control of focus and/or weak |some control of focus, |most part, exhibit control of |command of focus, organization and | |and Development |organizational and developmental |organization and development; it|focus, org. nd dev, but its |development | | |patterns; may ramble, be repetitious,|may rely to some extent on |elements are not as well managed|Its int roduction draws the reader into| |15 |hard to follow in places, or locked |formulaic devices for its |as at the command level (eg. The|the discussion, which presents a | | |into an organizational formula |structure, and it may wander or |intro. /concl. may be |sustained and logical progression of | | | |shift topics abruptly at times. |ineffective, or the argument may|ideas leading to an effective | | | | |not flow consistently) |conclusion. | |Comm. This paper exhibits a lack of control|This paper exhibits some control|This paper exhibits control of |This paper exhibits command of | |Clarity of |of expression, grammar, punctuation, |of expression, grammar, |expression, grammar, |expression (word choice, tone, | |Expression |and mechanics; many and significant |punctuation, and mechanics; may |punctuation, and mechanics; some|sentence structure, and sentence | | |errors, some of which interfere with |contain numerous errors, but |minor errors |sense), grammar, punctuation, and | |15 |the reader’s understanding or require|they are not such that they | |mechanics; no errors, or at most a few| | |the reader to supply meaning to make |interfere with the reader’s | |minor ones | | |the text intelligible |understanding | | | |Knowledge |Referencing |Referencing |Referencing |Referencing | | |Bibliography |Bibliography |Bibliography |Bibliography | |30 |Evidence |Evidence |Evidence |Evidence | | |Catholic Church |Catholic Church |Catholic Church |Catholic Church | Seminar Presentation Sign-Up | | | | | | | |Sun |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Sat | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Preliminary Sheet Name: __________________ Thesis: | | | | | | | | Sources:Include title/author(website)/ how info is relevant to the topic at hand/ pages that are relevant | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Monday, January 6, 2020

Diversity and Inclusion Paper - 1085 Words

Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper SOC/315 December 15, 2010 Professor Dr. Lorthridge Introduction This paper will discuss and focus on the four dimensions of diversity: ethnicity, gender, differences in skills, abilities and personality traits and how they have an impact in my workplace. To be able to go further in this paper one should understand the definition of diversity. Diversity is a variety between people associated to factors such as culture, employment status, education, family orientation, gender, origin, physical appearance, religion, sexual orientation and thinking style (Harvey, C. P., 2009). Although the differences themselves are unquestionable, organizations and society often reject them by acknowledging†¦show more content†¦Organizations must stop visualizing diversity as an issue and start seeing it as a benefit for the organization. There are several reasons why a diverse workforce will add value to a company. Most businesses, either large or small, work on a global scale; the information age has brought the entire world a lot closer. Having associate s that can deal with different cultures around the world is crucial to an expanding business. A diverse workforce will help to build more rounded individuals with experience they will gain from a mixed environment. Customers will benefit from the diverse workforce because a company that makes a choice to be open and flexible with its associates will more than likely be easy to work with in a business relationship. Probably the most important aspect of having a diverse workforce is the vast knowledge gained by pooling the different life lessons, cultures and experience together thereby allowing everyone the chance to learn new and different business practices (Sappal, Pepi, 2002). In reality, as you can see from the positive argument produced above, diversity assist organizations a key advantage in the corporate world. Culture can help an organization to succeed, when diversity is taken into action, non-biased and properly managed can be greatly effective. There is no doubt after researching the arguments for cultural diversity that organizations should invest in a highlyShow MoreRelatedThinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper1074 Words   |  5 PagesThinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper Marquillia Wiggins SOC/315 February 25, 2013 Dr. Dixon Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper Cultural diversity, or multiculturalism, is based on the idea that cultural identities should not be discarded or ignored, but rather maintained and valued. The foundation of this belief is that every culture and race has made a substantial contribution to American history. 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